Sierra Madre Chamber Starts New Year With New Leadership
As Seen in the Mountain View News / Sierra Madre Edition – February 4, 2017
Beginning with the celebration of Sierra Madre’s Citizens of the Year dinner last week honoring Rod and Joan Spears, 2017 is promising to be a busy one for the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce.
At that dinner, the newly elected Board of Directors was introduced. Steve Sciurba, known in the city as the public face of Kensington Senior Living was elected as President with local realtor Carol Canterbury as Vice President. Also elected were realtor Mary Janette Ledea as Secretary, Mountain Views News Editor Susan Henderson as Treasurer and Luther Tsinoglou (Podley Properties), Elizabeth Booth (Santa Anita Race Track), Ed Chen (Athens Services). Completing unexpired terms are Directors Tonia Patino and Denise Delmar.
As incoming President, Steve Sciurba want the community to know that the Chamber of Commerce wants to promote a strong economic climate in town without overwhelming the city’s village character. “We want members and the community at large know that we draw by the power of partnerships.
The Chamber is dedicated to ensure that our village remains the desired place to live, work, play, and buy products or services local.” The 2017 Wistaria Festival is next on the agenda. The annual event will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2017 and will include shuttles to view the historic vine, day long musical festivities, over 100 crafters and food vendors, and car show.