Taking Care Documentary Screening & Discussion:
A Heartfelt Documentary by Seth Rogen & Lauren Miller Rogen
Wednesday, January 29th 5pm-6:30pm at The Kensington Redondo Beach. Click HERE to RSVP!

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to be thankful for our  lives, for those sharing it with us and appreciating those around us by taking the time to recognize them.

‘There are people in life who hold their hands open, and there are those whose hands are chronically shut.  There are those who use their open hands to help others to their feet. And there are those whose hands are closed to connections, particularly those they perceive as different from themselves.  What does it take to have a generous nature, to hold your hand open, to live a life in which you give when you don’t have? Generosity…has little to do with giving gifts, and everything to do with giving space to others to be who they are.” – Patti Digh

I thank you all for providing me with words of wisdom, helping me grow with challenges and being supportive of our community. I learn something new every day. Words cannot express my gratitude. I am grateful for our Kensington family!

Let’s enjoy the cooler breezes, the wonderful colors in our trees and the smell of pumpkin pie.

I wish you a Happy Heartfelt Thanksgiving!

Portrait of CC DeGraff , Executive Director at The Kensington Sierra Madre assisted living community in Southern California.

CC DeGraff, Executive Director

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